
Artist Statement
Adrian Aguilera

A native of Monterrey, Mexico, I currently live and work in Ithaca, New York and Austin, Texas.

I am a multi-form conceptual artist working in sculpture, text, print media, video, sound and multimedia installations. My works (de)construct the monolithic cultural meanings produced through the 'object'
of production practices in order to activate a sense of (dis)arranged identities. I experimental play with material based media and concepts about scientific observation, cultural identity, and social issues through the lens of history. My approach to art-making is influenced by the interest in connecting people to their own lived experiences. I create installations with video, sound, and lights to generate a dialogue about our relationship with the physical spaces in which we inhabit. I am continuously curious about perception, presence, and place by employing visual culture material as in text, images, and anything that has the potential to have other (con)notations from their original c(on)texts. My work focuses on how cultural media plays a powerful role as evidence of the natural world’s knowledge.